“If I Only Had A Heart To Give”
If I only had a heart to give, oh to you I’d give this heart.
I would give it along with all my love to enjoy for now, and many days to come.
To you I’d give this heart so true, to fulfill your life with things a new, romantic encounters, elegant dinners, roses and carnations whose beautiful aroma would remind me of you.
All these things plus many more I’d give so willingly just so you may enjoy? But to give you this heart would be a lie, for someone else enjoys, with me this heart of mine.
She’s just as pretty and lovely too, she’s a woman who’s intelligence shines through and through.
Her smile is wonderfully bright, Her hugs are lovingly tight, and Her touch, O well what can I say, seems to thrill me each and every day.
You see this heart I’d like to give belongs to someone with whom I live. Her perfumes that I smell, Her dinners that I’ve eaten are always romantic, and can’t be beaten.
If I could give this heart to thee, it would only be for “Lust” you’d see. Only to be given for a short, short time to gain your trust and manipulate your mind.
For what you would get, would not be pure, for the heart I speak of is safe and well secure!
Gwint L. Fisher